Welome to the Syracuse Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) Website
Our mission is helping manufacturing facilities to decrease energy usage and increase efficiency by providing, no cost, energy audits
The US Department of Energy financially
supports the IAC program, and consequently
there is no cost to the manufacturing plant
for these industrial assessments.
IAC Students present at the Sustainability Forum hosted by Student Association to present their innovation projects.
IAC Students Graduate
Class of 2024 students graduate from Syracuse University and earn their IAC certification.
IAC Energy Analysts Receive Certificates
Students awarded certificates from U.S. Department of Energy.
"Impressed with the knowledge of students and the interest they showed in energy/the facility and engineering practices"
-Quality Vision International (2022)
"Impressed over the electricity and natural gas rate information and info on other Programs and opportunities."
-Collins Aerospace (2021)
"Very professional group. Well versed and full of knowledge"
-Akorn Pharmacy (2019)
"Very professional... Everyone was great! The potential projects are a big help towards the Saint Gobain energy initiative"
-Saint Gobain (2019)
U.S. Department of Energy
Energy efficiency and renewable energy
IAC Field Office Rutgers University
Center for advanced Energy Systems
We are proud to be a associated with our supporting partners.
New York Power Authority
State public-benefit corporation
Corning Inc.
Materials Manufacturing and Research
IEngie SA (Formerly: GDF suez)
Multinational electric utility company
National Grid
Electricity and Gas utility company
Green Innovation Competition
IAC presents sustainability projects at the Green innovation Competition
IAC interns Elan Fullmer, Carter Thompson, Thomas Condon, and Anas Alkhashroom presented their sustainability project at the Green Innovation Competition hosted by the Student Association sustainability forum.
The students researched about sustainable renewable energy, focusing on the potential of solar and wind energy for rooftop applications at Syracuse University's Link Hall. They looked into topics important to the IAC to better understand how the IAC's recommendations impact the companies that utilize their services.
IAC Students Graduate
Class of 2024 students graduate from Syracuse University
In May, several IAC students graduated from Syracuse University, earning their Bachelor's and Master's degrees. In their time here, they achieved academic excellence and provided quality service to all of the center's clients.
IAC Analysts (listed from left to right) Ian Storrs, Marco Svolinsky, Rachael Beresford, Sydney Jud, Emma Platten, Tim Ha, Kendra Miler, and Brendan Murty graduated from the Syracuse University College of Engineering and Computer Science.
Congratulations also to Elan Fullmer, Ryan Mussaw, Arfeen Armaghan, and Dominic Clinch, who graduated with Bachelor's degrees from the Syracuse University College of Engineering and Computer Science.
Special recognition goes to Lead Analysts Emma Platten and Tim Ha, who received their Master's degrees in Engineering Management. Additionally, Marco Svolinsky, Elan Fullmer, and Ian Storrs will be taking on roles as Lead Analysts for the 2025 academic year while pursuing Master's degrees in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Energy Analyst Sydney Jud will continue her work at the IAC as she pursues a Ph.D. at Syracuse University.
Congratulations to all of our alumni. We wish you the best with navigating your promising futures!
IAC Energy Analysts Receive Certificates
LClass of 2023 students graduate from Syracuse University
Several students have been awarded certificates from the U.S. Department of Energy for their hard work at the IAC! Each of these students has been working with the IAC for at least a year and has participated in six or more energy audits. Congratulations to students (from left to right, top to bottom) Marco Slovinsky, Kendra Miller, Elan Fullmer, Renee Brogley, Taylor Davis, Ian Pointer, and Sydney Jud!